
We named our blog “Raising Mustard Seeds” after the famous parable in Matthew’s Gospel. We had some mustard seeds of our own laying dormant in our hearts, and finally, the year before our marriage, we began to let those seeds grow. Our journey with Christ hasn’t always been easy, but it has bore more fruit than we could possibly imagine. And through the mustard seeds He planted in our hearts, He opened them to receive little mustard seeds of our own…

While Jesus in this parable is talking about how faith and our relationship with God should grow from something very small to something mighty and powerful, it’s applicable to our children as well. It is our hope that through prayer and proper parenting, our children will grow from small and helpless (tiny mustard seeds) to being mighty in Christ, so that they will be shining lights in the world and people will come to “dwell in the branches” of their faith.

So, this is our little space in the big internet where we will share our most likely crazy experiences as we start our family and we hope those who are close to us will enjoy laughing at us and with us, and maybe even learn something new :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Less than 7 weeks!!!!

 I can't believe time has gone by so quickly, she'll be here before we know it! And don't forget, if you haven't weighed in on G's birth stats, do that here. (Which reminds me...I have a few more to add oops!)

I had a dream last night that G had just been born but I was coming into the dream at the point where we were already home. I picked her up and she had a HUGE (Christopher) head and already had over 10 teeth!!! She was unfathomably large for a 4 month old baby sized.  However, she was literally perfect and so adorable, with barely any light light brown hair. 

Yesterday, we rearranged our bedroom furniture so that Gianna's stuff will fit better and that there's space for a reading/rocker nook. I used a super low tech way to "design"...graph paper and cut outs drawn to scale. To, note, Gianna has legs, she is just swaddled in the drawing of her in the crib. Just wanted to clarify :-) (see below) 

It's been a fun/weirdish couple of weeks. Some random updates:
  • 2 weekends ago a man offered me his seat. Official pregnant lady stuff. Yay!
  • I forgot to take my prenatal vita/food goodies for most of last week and turns out...that makes me feel like a good for nothing tired horrible human. Good to know they do their job for keeping me alert and happy hahaha. 
  • Last week from Sunday-Saturday I didn't have a phone, as I left/lost it at T/R's house. Although I'm not a phone addict, I realized how useful my phone was. Like calling Chris to ask a question while I'm at the store. Getting on the spot directions. One more thing to not take for granted :-)  
  • Gianna tries to butt her way out of my right side throughout the day. She's also a huge fan of the right rib. Just likes to put her butt all up in there so that my rib is literally burning all day.
  • I'm working through our "things to buy before G gets here list", like ordering cloth diapers (I decided on Kawaii...they're BumGenius knockoffs), changing table pad and cover, diaper pail for cloth diapers, cloth diaper pail liner, diaper bag...I suppose that's pretty important so I'll get on that....soon...

  I believe this me at 31 weeks +1-2 days. I love that tank top, I got it in May for $1 at Target. 

 This was yesterday, at 33 weeks on the dot, in my gyms clothes. I should really start to wear make up and look nicer for these pictures. Someday....maybe week 39. Chris and I walked to the movie theatre to watch Life of Pi, and then to Ross and Taco Bueno, so I though it merited workout clothes.

 Remember how I was saying that I don't look "as pregnant" as a result of how I stand? I wanted to show y'all the difference. In the above picture, I'm standing with my tailbone tucked in and my spine elongated (so as to not have any added strain or pressure on the low back...even non pregnant people should stand like this!) so that the core muscles are engaged. In the picture below, I've stuck my butt out a la typical preggo fashion. Result? Instant back ache, and look a lot bigger and more uncomfortable. So today, everyone, your task-- TUCK THE TUSHIES IN!

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