
We named our blog “Raising Mustard Seeds” after the famous parable in Matthew’s Gospel. We had some mustard seeds of our own laying dormant in our hearts, and finally, the year before our marriage, we began to let those seeds grow. Our journey with Christ hasn’t always been easy, but it has bore more fruit than we could possibly imagine. And through the mustard seeds He planted in our hearts, He opened them to receive little mustard seeds of our own…

While Jesus in this parable is talking about how faith and our relationship with God should grow from something very small to something mighty and powerful, it’s applicable to our children as well. It is our hope that through prayer and proper parenting, our children will grow from small and helpless (tiny mustard seeds) to being mighty in Christ, so that they will be shining lights in the world and people will come to “dwell in the branches” of their faith.

So, this is our little space in the big internet where we will share our most likely crazy experiences as we start our family and we hope those who are close to us will enjoy laughing at us and with us, and maybe even learn something new :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

This Month in Gianna-Land: 3 months old!

March 21-April 21 was a pretty big month for Gianna. She’s “gotten older” in so many ways and we have had so much fun!

 *insert obligatory ridiculous faced pictures of Gianna*

  • Gianna can roll over from back to belly. Okay, she’s been able to do this (I suspected) for a while, but randomly one morning she just flopped right over on the floor twice in a row. Too quick for me to get the camera, but Chris got to see it so that was great. The whole thing was pretty surprising, given that she has an enormous fluffy butt that is like an anchor and makes her less mobile (it’s our plan for keeping her down LOL).
  • Some chubbikins (we won’t mention names) has almost outgrown her infant insert for the baby bathtub. She likes to kick her legs outside. 
 Her very first bath, February 1. My little scrawny chicken! And by scrawny, I of course mean, larger than an average baby, lol. My terms are obviously off. 
 March 26

April 9

  • We survived Holy Week at church. Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday Masses FTW! Gianna got a “B-“ on Holy Thursday because she was hungry as soon as we got to Mass and I nursed her in the pew and was like the most obnoxious loud eater ever. Like, fat man eating at a Chinese buffet loud. Chris couldn’t stop laughing. She got a “B+” on Easter Sunday because she decided to use her “outside voice” and make adorable, although inappropriate, noises. Yes, we grade her for her Mass behavior. No, we’re not really serious. She’s pretty easy to take to Mass right now because I put her in the Baby K’tan and she falls asleep. 
 Asleep in the K'tan. Obviously not at church in this pic LOL
  • Gianna goes front facing (explorer position) in the K’tan now! She likes it, but only if she’s wide awake. If she’s sleepy she wants to be facing me and snuggled. It says not to do explorer position until the baby is “5+” months old, but she’s got great head/neck control, so we did it anyway.
 This is the "Explorer" position...except when I put Gianna in it, she's not gangly and crooked looking...
  • We started doing tummy time to work on her neck control and she gets like super excited to try to move and get to a toy. She also gets really frustrated when she can’t get to it. I can imagine how happy she will be when she can do more than tiny belly scoots forward. That’s when the childproofing will begin…


  • We also started using the Bumbo chair and that is super fun to put her in, even if only for  a few minutes at a time, until she starts slumping from being tired. If I want her to nap, I do a tummy-time/bumbo combo…it’s like a 1-2 punch for babies. Well, for Gianna at least. 
 I call this next series of pictures, "Baby Playing Poker"
 It looks like she's thinking, but she's really about to try to eat the cards
No joke, she was obsessed with the cards, it was fantastic!

  •  Gianna can pick things up now on her own! For a while, we would put something in her hand and the fact that she would look at it and move it around was exciting enough, but to make that connection between an object and hand was super cool to watch. I sensed a lot of baby pride (LOL baby-whisperer) when she finally did it. 

  •  Gianna likes her carseat. Yes. Well. Not all the time. But in general she will be pretty peaceful in it, especially now that she likes to look at the hanging things.

  •  G has totally turned into a Chatty Cathy, she babbles and coos and all of those wonderful baby noises that I could listen to all day. I love having fake conversations with her. It really does seem like she understands (baby whisperer, again) sometimes!
 This girl looooooooooooves her papa!

  • In addition to baby talk, Gianna loves to sing! We sing together every day and I nearly always end up laughing. She gets entranced with song. Chris and I sing duets together to her. I hope she has a nice voice so we can sing together!
  • We started putting Gianna in her stroller without the carseat. She loves being able to look around!
  • Some little baby no longer likes to sit down when on our laps…she is all about standing. She locks her legs so I can’t sit her down. Whatever. It probably tires her out more easily so better for us anyway.
  • Baby Houdini has added another feat of baby mystery to her repertoire. For a while, she’s been able to somehow turn herself 90 degrees in a short period of time so that between the time I put her on the floor, go to the bathroom, and come back, she is laying perpendicular. Now, she Houdini’s her way out of her swaddle EVERY NIGHT! At let me tell you, we are master swaddlers now, and I can say with certainty that we “swaddle the crap out of her”. And yet, she somehow, between 10 pm and 3 am, she manages to wiggle out either one or both of her arms!
  • We've ventured out a lot more in the last month...trips to the restaurants...visiting Houston...everything is starting to feel normal, and Gianna is easier to travel with. My mom and sister Breana visited last weekend and we went to the park...the weather was amazing! 
To sum up our last month with Gianna and lives right now? 3 words: Life is good.  :-)

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