
We named our blog “Raising Mustard Seeds” after the famous parable in Matthew’s Gospel. We had some mustard seeds of our own laying dormant in our hearts, and finally, the year before our marriage, we began to let those seeds grow. Our journey with Christ hasn’t always been easy, but it has bore more fruit than we could possibly imagine. And through the mustard seeds He planted in our hearts, He opened them to receive little mustard seeds of our own…

While Jesus in this parable is talking about how faith and our relationship with God should grow from something very small to something mighty and powerful, it’s applicable to our children as well. It is our hope that through prayer and proper parenting, our children will grow from small and helpless (tiny mustard seeds) to being mighty in Christ, so that they will be shining lights in the world and people will come to “dwell in the branches” of their faith.

So, this is our little space in the big internet where we will share our most likely crazy experiences as we start our family and we hope those who are close to us will enjoy laughing at us and with us, and maybe even learn something new :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Gianna's Birth Story: 10 pm-3 am

Missed the post about the week leading up to G's birth? It's pretty interesting, trust me. :-) Read here.

…I got in bed around 8:45. I read for a bit and fell asleep around 9 pm, only to be awoken at 10 pm by a horrible pain my back…

Let me preface this post by explaining something about myself. I am not normal. I am a very weird person and do things in a very specific way in order to work with my personality (crazy, Type A, resistant to change, stubborn, overreacts). Therefore, many of the things I did to cope with labor, or purposely put myself in denial seem really odd probably to a lot of people, but it’s what worked perfectly for me.  
Okay. Now, to be honest, I don’t really know exactly when I woke up, nor when I went to sleep. I do know that it was sometime between 9 and 10. The pain in my back was really sharp and didn’t subside. I’m sure I had had some Braxton Hicks contractions at some point, but don’t really know. I think it was my first “real” contraction and I kind of knew that. I remember looking at my phone and seeing that my mom had called at 9:15 pm and thinking that I was glad I hadn’t been awake to answer because she has this creepy intuition and probably would have known something was up. 

I thought that the pain would subside and that I would be able to go back to sleep, as is suggested for women to do in early labor…but it didn’t. I remember that drinking a very strong cup of Red Raspberry Leaf tea can help your uterus figure itself out—basically if you’re in false labor, it will help stop the contractions and if you’re in real labor, they will continue to intensify. As you can imagine from the timeline of this story, the latter happened. 

I was getting up and going to the bathroom (to umm…empty my…bowels…) every 10 minutes or less, and trying to walk through the contractions. I had my bloody show pretty early on and was like—cool—bowel emptying and bloody show, these are  like the first real labor signs I’ve had. At the midwives, they don’t usually “check” you in the weeks prior to your due date to see if you’re dilated unless you ask them to because it’s only one of many indicators of the birth timeline and isn’t really helpful. For example, for me, if I found out if I was 5 cm at my 38 week appt, I would’ve been anticipating and probably would’ve been super nervous and anxious and not slept at all the week before. So, I’d never been checked and had no desire to be. I wanted to be ignorant. No expectations. Just trust my body to do what it needs to do when it needed to. I know my personality and I know how to work with it—that was my prescription, not necessarily my advice for everyone. So, you can understand that it was a little surreal to get those first real labor signs. I knew that at some point I would actually give birth, but it was a distant reality. This made things a little more real

Now, I know that bloody show isn’t necessarily indicative of impending labor, and that it can happen days, even weeks before the real deal. Early on in my birth story reading (I literally read HUNDREDS of natural childbirth stories to prepare), I learned a few things:

  1. Many first time births are start and stop and that I shouldn’t get excited and tire myself out
  2. “Signs” of labor are different for everyone and a “textbook” case is super rare. Everyone has different timing and I shouldn’t measure myself by an arbitrary birth measuring stick.
  3. Every contraction is working to do something, let your body work and keep loose…eliminate all tension
  4. Timing contractions is okay, but if you’re a Type A personality, it’s probably a mistake and will be a waste of your brain cells/energy/emotions (therefore, I never, not once, timed any single contraction, so everything I say is absolutely approximate)
  5. Bad back labor/pain probably meant that the baby was posterior (spine to spine)

Anyway. Like I said, I had totally psyched myself up for a marathon 3 day labor. After a few times of this bed/bathroom thing, I gave up. I figured. You know what. Sleep is not going to happen for me. It’s NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Instead of getting worked up and upset that I can’t sleep, just be productive.
I also thought about my back labor. To be honest, back labor was the one thing I was most fearful of. I know that posterior births take longer, have a higher incidence of tearing, and are more painful because of the back labor. The longer part was what worried me at the moment, because I already felt like the back pain was unbearable. I couldn’t imagine going through another day or 2 days of this, and then still having energy for delivery. I used my iPhone to search how to flip a posterior baby. I tried a couple of the things, which had me on all fours and resembled yoga positions. It actually kind of helped with the pain too, in a small way. 

Like y’all saw in the last post, I had made a lot of tortillas. I decided I would go ahead and make bean/onion/cheese chalupas for the freezer to have as a quick meal in the upcoming weeks. So, while having some nasty back labor and contractions (now closer together maybe 5ish minutes apart? Who knows.), I cooked. 

At this point, I couldn’t stay stationary and I had to do a little “labor dance” to get through the contractions. I would put my hands on the counter and lean over and just move my hips back and forth. It didn’t really help or lessen the pain, but it was something to do to get through it. I also paced back and forth. At one point I also used the countertop to be counter pressure against my back. (By the way, I never really felt much in my belly, it was just firm…maybe the back pain was so much I couldn’t feel anything else???) 

It didn’t take long to make the chalupas, so I cooled them, wrapped them up in 3 foil packages, and put them in the freezer. By this time, I was thinking—hmmm I wonder if this is real labor? Should I wake Chris up? This is starting to feel intolerable. No, I shouldn’t wake Chris up because he is sick and he needs to rest. Plus if I’m in real labor, at least one of us should get some sleep. 

It was about midnight now, I think. I really made a point not to look at the clock because it stresses me out to look at time while I am unable to sleep, ignorance is bliss in this case. I remember praying and thinking about Jesus and Mary a lot during this time, specifically Mary in the manger giving birth in such nasty conditions, wondering how she dealt with labor. Although she is without sin and was chosen at the beginning of time to give birth to the Savior, God didn’t give her a “pain pass” on labor. 

Once I finished the burritos, I was hoping to do something else productive, but all of a sudden, contractions were happening so quickly that I couldn’t do anything else.  I was down on the ground on all fours swaying my hips side to side. Again. Did this help with the pain? Nope. Why did I do it? No idea. Just instinct. I really kind of felt like some kind of animal because I couldn’t really think, I could only respond and relax. I remember thinking, this TOTALLY SUCKS! If I’m not in real labor right now, I don’t want to know what the ‘real thing’ is like….I am an IDIOT! There’s NO WAY I can do this for much longer. OMG I am totally going to wimp out and get pain medicine.

Self doubt is annoying, but I just kept doing the same thing over and over, completely ignorant of how fast or slow time was passing. Eventually, I heard Chris wake up to go to the bathroom. He must have seen that I wasn’t in bed, so he opened our bedroom door and saw me bent over the table swaying in pain. Bet he didn’t expect that… 

I checked the clock and saw that it was 3 am. 

Next up in G's birth story? 3 am-6 am. Stay tuned!

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