
We named our blog “Raising Mustard Seeds” after the famous parable in Matthew’s Gospel. We had some mustard seeds of our own laying dormant in our hearts, and finally, the year before our marriage, we began to let those seeds grow. Our journey with Christ hasn’t always been easy, but it has bore more fruit than we could possibly imagine. And through the mustard seeds He planted in our hearts, He opened them to receive little mustard seeds of our own…

While Jesus in this parable is talking about how faith and our relationship with God should grow from something very small to something mighty and powerful, it’s applicable to our children as well. It is our hope that through prayer and proper parenting, our children will grow from small and helpless (tiny mustard seeds) to being mighty in Christ, so that they will be shining lights in the world and people will come to “dwell in the branches” of their faith.

So, this is our little space in the big internet where we will share our most likely crazy experiences as we start our family and we hope those who are close to us will enjoy laughing at us and with us, and maybe even learn something new :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

8 Peeks into our week (#11)

1. as expected, Gianna began as a selective walker. Depending on her company, she would either be too busy playing to walk or want to show off.

Grossman clan was with us over New Years. See? Too much fun to walk.

But then over Jan 4/5th weekend, Gianna took off again! I kept trying to get pictures of her, but they're all blurry action shots. But maybe we just need a better camera. And maybe the super blurry action shotpicture stage came early?

Whomp whomp. Blurry cuteness.

It could just be that we'll have to stick to videos and I'm fine with that:

So in conclusion, we have a walker. Nay, a toddler/runner. It's pretty fantastic to have Gianna walking after me wherever I go and see her smiling and waving her arms all over the place as she goes. And hey, now our trips to the mailbox each afternoon take 20 times as, right? ;-)

2. Gianna can get herself in the bathtub. By flipping over it and bumping her head, of course.

3. Chris made bunk beds! Our friends were giving away their bunk bed set, but it was hung partially in the wall and we wanted them set up differently and to be a bit lighter (they were so heavy it took 3 men to get them down!), so Chris modified the existing framework. I love them!


4. We. Have. A. Ponytail! It's small. You can barely see it because of blurriness (reference #1, above). But it's sooooooo cute! We have a little mullet going and I adore how it's changing the way Gianna looks (older and more like me!)

5. Gianna loves to feed us. It is precious and nasty, all at the same time.

6. I helped lead a Communities of Prayer retreat this weekend and here are a few instances of cuteness that resulted:

Gianna apparently loves peekaboo and initiates games herself now. All. The. Time. (since this weekend) This makes my heart crumble. And I also used to think peekaboo was super lame, so we didn't play very much. Now it is the best game ever.
And lastly, Gianna and Blaise hanging out at the Grossman's. MMMMMmmmmmmmmm babies. I want to soak up all the cuteness.
7. Random throwback to 3rd Sunday of Advent in December:

Music time. I love it when Gianna sings along!

8.  And a few other pictures to catch y'all up. Ones that are mostly focused. Woohoo!

 Gianna ran a fever on Christmas Day and that made for lots of nursing and snuggles. Best. Thing. Ever.

 We love us some leaves. And since Papa doesn't rake them...we have plenty :-)


Playing with her new awesome kitchen

She found it! The missing secret ingredient! I'm trying to groom her to cook early so she can takeover kitchen duties :-)

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