
We named our blog “Raising Mustard Seeds” after the famous parable in Matthew’s Gospel. We had some mustard seeds of our own laying dormant in our hearts, and finally, the year before our marriage, we began to let those seeds grow. Our journey with Christ hasn’t always been easy, but it has bore more fruit than we could possibly imagine. And through the mustard seeds He planted in our hearts, He opened them to receive little mustard seeds of our own…

While Jesus in this parable is talking about how faith and our relationship with God should grow from something very small to something mighty and powerful, it’s applicable to our children as well. It is our hope that through prayer and proper parenting, our children will grow from small and helpless (tiny mustard seeds) to being mighty in Christ, so that they will be shining lights in the world and people will come to “dwell in the branches” of their faith.

So, this is our little space in the big internet where we will share our most likely crazy experiences as we start our family and we hope those who are close to us will enjoy laughing at us and with us, and maybe even learn something new :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Reflections on pregnancy from the Papa-to-be

As a husband, it is interesting how my feelings have changed as the pregnancy develops. For example, if Rachel had wanted something that was outside of a 5 mile radius before she was pregnant, I would have gotten it but probably complained a lot. It’s no secret that I’m not a huge fan of driving if it is not a necessity. But now I don’t think that way as much. Not that I have a demanding wife, or that there have been many opportunities or needs to run out, but in general I find myself thinking a little differently.
Before the pregnancy I might have asked things like “hey can you go make us some food?” or “while I’m doing this, can you do that?” -  not necessarily a quid pro quo type thing (because I learned early on in marriage that is a love killer), but just a general request of some service. Again, I’m not saying I don’t still do this on occasion (this morning Rachel made breakfast while I was cleaning), but it doesn’t feel the same anymore. Now if I can do it myself, I sometimes regret asking.
This is nothing to be commended though, because this is what I’m supposed to do and how I am supposed to feel. If I am improving as a husband because of this pregnancy than I thank God for that. Hopefully I will improve in deed and not just thought.

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